Shih-Ling Shen /
Grade 12 Capstone Project

Exploring the Potentials of a Microcontroller

A grade 12 high school graudation capstone project.

Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is to explore the possibilities of a microcontroller and extend my knowledge in software and hardware computing. Over the past few years, I have been mainly playing with desktop computers and laptops. I have tried all kinds of different projects, including installing various operating systems and making the drivers work. However, this has always been about trying to find the correct files and drivers for the computer to make all devices work. There were no components of wiring the computers or programming the chips and devices because these were all provided by the device manufacturer and cannot be modified. During this project, I will be learning about how physical computing works, and how to program hardware devices. By the end of this project, I will have learned how to use each of the devices and be able to create a fully functional final product.